Original image  by geralt CC0

Whether you are just starting a career or already an experienced professional, taking stock of your skills, education, strengths and values is an important step towards building your career in Manitoba. Having a firm grasp of who you are, what you can offer and where you want to go will be your best asset in your new work environment. It is also a good foundation for career planning. This will take effort, but it will be worth it. Now is the best time to do it.

Benefits of Self-Assessment

  1. Builds self-confidence.
  2. Maps out your career path.
  3. Outlines your experiences, skills and strengths which will enable you to better communicate your qualifications on your cover letter, resume and on job interviews.
  4. Forms a basis for educational and training opportunities, or even a career shift.
  5. Prepares you to deal with changing industry or workplace demands.

It makes a big difference to have your plans and goals laid out and printed on paper– they become easier to visualize and therefore easier to achieve!

Easy ways to do it:

You will need to evaluate not only your work skills but your life experiences, personality, values and interests. This is done so that you will achieve a good work-life balance. The goal is to find your strengths, opportunities for growth, possible obstacles and how to overcome them. You can start on your own but completing the task may need some guidance. You can use the following:

Online tools


If you prefer a workshop environment and are already in Manitoba, you can attend employability skills seminars. In Winnipeg, Manitoba Start’s various employment programs offer one-on-one counselling (with a career coach) and job search assistance.

Map to Success

Whichever way you do it, make sure that you have a better understanding of yourself and your direction in life by the end of the exercise. It makes a big difference to have your plans and goals laid out and printed on paper– they become easier to visualize and therefore easier to achieve! You can also go back to them now and then when you feel sidetracked or when you need encouragement. This is an exciting time for you with a host of wonderful possibilities ahead. Make the best of it by starting out right.

Community Resources

If you are still in your home country, this Employment checklist can help you prepare for building a career in MB.

For more assistance on self-assessment, find the Manitoba Jobs and Skills Development Centre nearest you.

For more information on immigrant serving organizations and regional centres, go to Immigrant Serving Organizations.

Last modified: Friday, 17 December 2021, 12:05 PM