Yoga classImage  by SaraJobling on Pixabay CC0

Newcomers should make sure to take care of themselves. This means paying attention to their own needs and well-being. It's important to prioritize self-care along with learning the language and adapting to the new culture.

Studies have shown that we are a group that is less likely to have self-care routines. This is especially true in the first few months after arriving. During this time, we have to do many things at once. We have to learn about our new country, find a job, and fit into our communities. Not taking care of ourselves can lead to health problems. It can also make us more likely to feel anxious and depressed.

What is self-care?

Self-care is when we take care of our body, mind, emotions, and social well-being. It may seem easy, but many people don't actually do it.

Why do a lot of people forget to take care of themselves?

There are two main reasons why we don't prioritize self-care. First, we feel like we don't have enough time for it. Second, we don't see it as important because we feel guilty when we take time for ourselves. This feeling of guilt comes from our cultural upbringing. Many of us are taught to value hard work and being busy. This is especially true for women. We believe that a successful woman is someone who is efficient at work and manages everything at home. We take care of everyone and everything.

If you keep living like this without taking care of yourself, it can cause stress-related illnesses or even something worse called burnout. Burnout is when you feel completely exhausted and overwhelmed because of your job. You can learn more about burnout and its symptoms here.

If we want to succeed, we need to change how we think about taking care of ourselves. Think of it as an investment. The self-care you do now will give you more focus and energy in the future.

Taking care of yourself is important. You need to maintain yourself properly to perform your best. It is crucial for your health and well-being.

What self-care means:

  • It is done on purpose. You do it for yourself.
  • It affects your body, mind, feelings, relationships, and spirit.
  • It is unique to each person. Different people have different meanings for it.
  • It is consistent and ongoing. You have to do it throughout your life.
  • It is any activity that helps you stay healthy and well.

What self-care is not:

  • Some people use drugs and alcohol to forget things or to feel good.
  • Being lazy and not wanting to be around other people is another way people might not take care of themselves. For example, they might stay by themselves a lot and sleep too much.
  • Some people spend too much money on things they don't need. They might use their credit card too much and not be able to pay it back.
  • According to Ashley Eder, a psychotherapist, self-care should not be addictive, make you do things you can't control, or be harmful to your body, mind, or bank account. This information is from an article called "7 damaging myths about self-care" (source: Psych Central).

Simple steps to better self-care:

Self-care routines don't have to be complicated or costly. You can begin with simple things like getting sufficient sleep, eating healthily, and creating a conducive environment for your well-being.

  1. Visit your family doctor. You can go for a check-up even if you're not sick.
    • Make an appointment for a regular check-up, like once a year on your birthday month.
    • Get screenings that are right for your age, like mammograms, pap smears, and shots.
    • Talk to your doctor about how to take better care of yourself. Ask about vitamins and eating healthier. If you need more help, ask for a referral to a nutritionist or counselor.
  2. Set goals
    • Decide how many hours of sleep you need each night.
    • Try to eat healthier.
    • Exercise regularly (do something you enjoy).
  3. Take a break for your mental health. If you need to take care of yourself right away (for example, if you feel overwhelmed at work), take a break. Go for a walk outside and take deep breaths.
  4. Make time for hobbies, relaxation, and socializing.
    • Look at the Leisure Guide to find free or low-cost activities at your community center.
    • Explore Manitoba! Visit parks, museums, and festivals (read 20+ free and almost free things to do in Manitoba).
    • Treat yourself to a massage or haircut (facials and manicures/pedicures are great too!).
    • Read a book or listen to music.
  5. Set aside quiet time at the end of the day to relax. Connect with your feelings and emotions. You can do this during your commute or drive home. You can also schedule meditation, yoga, or write in a gratitude journal before bed.
  6. Take a break from technology. Choose a day where you don't use your cellphone, tablet, or laptop.
  7. Use your vacation days. Taking a vacation won't make you look less efficient to your boss.

There are many different ways to take care of yourself. It's different for everyone. What you like to do may not be enjoyable for someone else.

Finding activities that you enjoy and make you feel grounded is important. It doesn't have to be something complicated or time-consuming. The key is to understand your limits and not overwork yourself. Take care of yourself and balance your drive with self-care. When you do this, you will see yourself succeed!

Sources: What is self-care – and how does anyone have time for it? Rachel Chen, Chatelaine; What self-care is – and what it isn’t, Raphailia Michael, MA, PsychCentral; and 7 damaging myths about self-care, Margarita Tartakovsky, M.S., PsychCentral. Accessed August 15, 2019.


Community Resources

Go to these links for Winnipeg Regional Health Authority’s (WRHA) information on Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services and Adult Mental Health Services.

Last modified: Wednesday, 5 July 2023, 11:42 AM