Man in bed with fluMangriep  by Dave Deploige on Wikimedia Commons CC BY-SA

Flu season in Canada starts late fall to winter. Protect yourself and everyone around you by following these tips especially with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic:

  1. Get vaccinated

    Getting vaccinated is a big boost for our immune system. The COVID-19 vaccine will also protect others from getting infected in case you are an asymptomatic carrier of the virus. Go to ProtectMB to find the nearest immunization site to get your vaccine if you haven’t gotten it yet.

    Also consider getting the flu shot during the pandemic. It’s possible to get the flu and COVID-19 at the same time. Visit your doctor or go to the local public health office, nursing station, pharmacy (your local pharmacist can provide immunization services to people seven years old and older), ACCESS Centre, or the nearest immunization clinic and ask to know what is best for you. Go to the MHSAL page on Seasonal Flu for more information about the flu vaccine.

  2. Observe public health guidance

    Continue masking up and hand sanitizing. Use soap and water and rub your fingers, palms, under your nails, the back of your hands and above your wrists for at least 20 seconds. This is as long as singing ‘Happy Birthday’ twice. Rinse and dry your hands well. Do this as often as possible. Use alcohol-based disposable wet wipes or gel sanitizers when you don’t have soap and water. Face masks, even non-surgical ones can minimize your exposure to germs especially when you need to be in a crowded place like the mall or in a bus. If you have a cold, cough or flu, this can also prevent you from spreading infection around, especially in your home, school or workplace.

    You’ve probably noticed that public health orders and restrictions change often. For your safety, know the latest protocols from the RestartMB Pandemic Response System page.

  3. Strengthen your immunity

    Boost your immunity against any kind of sickness by eating right, exercising and getting enough sleep. Make this your habit all year long, not only during the flu season. Aside from vitamin C, there are other nutrients that can do the job like vitamin D, zinc and selenium. Watch the video below to know other foods you can eat to boost your immunity:

    5 foods to keep your immune system strong, CBC

  4. Cough and sneeze into your elbow

    This minimizes the amount of infected particles in the air. You could also cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Make sure to dispose of used tissues immediately and properly.

  5. Stay at home

    Consult your doctor if you are not feeling well. Follow doctor’s orders and stay home, rest and take prescribed medications. Avoid all unnecessary travel, even if it’s just to shop for groceries or run a few errands. You wouldn’t want to spread your virus and get other people sick too.

    If you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, take the online self-assessment or call the Health Links-Info Santé line at 204-788-8200. They will advice you what to do and where to go if you need to get tested. Those experiencing severe symptoms should call 911.

Article updated September 16, 2021.

Sources: Colliers- protecting yourself and others against respiratory illness (pdf); Seasonal flu, Manitoba Health, Seniors and Active Living; and The benefits of hand washing,


Community Resources

For the most up-to-date information about COVID-19, including statistics and public health orders go to the Province of Manitoba-COVID-19 site. For reliable information about the COVID-19 vaccine, and other vaccine related information go to ProtectMB.

Get the latest news bulletins, health information and other resources from the Manitoba Health, Seniors and Active Living site.

Last modified: Thursday, 18 November 2021, 4:24 PM