Mom and babyImage  by Jenna Norman from Unsplash CC0

Welcoming a new baby to the family is one of the happiest milestones in family life. After months of waiting, you finally have this bundle of joy to cuddle and love. However, there are instances when new mothers may feel sad, anxious, or even angry, right after giving birth. This could come as a surprise, so they hide what they are feeling. Some may even think that they are bad mothers. If you’re a newcomer mom and you feel this way, coping can be particularly hard especially because you are far away from your usual supports like family and friends.

You should know that it is normal for new moms to feel fear, anxiety and sadness during the first few days or weeks after giving birth. Known as the “baby blues”, around 75-80% of new mothers experience being emotional (weepy), overwhelmed, irritable, fatigued and have trouble sleeping (The baby blues, Baby This is caused by biological factors such as hormonal shifts in your body as well as psychological factors involved in your adjustment to being a parent.

If these feelings don’t go away after two-three weeks, or if they get worse and more intense, this is the time to get help and support.

What is postpartum depression (PPD)?

This is a deep and ongoing depression that can start during pregnancy or at any time up to a year after the birth of a child. Although more birth mothers are diagnosed with PPD, it can affect all parents – even fathers and adoptive moms and dads (Postpartum depression, Canadian Mental Health Association). This is because biological or hormonal change is only one of the causes associated with it. In large part, sleep deprivation, lifestyle, and environment can also trigger this condition (Postpartum depression can happen to any parent).

How do I know that I have it?

Symptoms of PPD include (from the Winnipeg Health (WRHA) page on PPD) :

  • strong feelings of sadness or emptiness
  • feeling hopeless or worthless
  • can’t stop crying
  • constant fatigue, even after resting
  • trouble falling asleep or want to sleep all the time
  • difficulty concentrating or making decisions
  • loss of interest in activities and relationships you usually enjoy
  • little or no interest or pleasure in your baby
  • changes in your appetite or weight
  • irritable or angry much of the time
  • feeling resentful towards your baby
  • feeling very anxious, trapped, overwhelmed or out of control
  • constant worry about your baby’s health or safety
  • racing or repetitive thoughts that cause you anxiety
  • afraid to be alone with your baby

In more severe cases, parents affected can have thoughts of harming themselves or the baby. For cases like this:

  • call 911 or the WRHA Crisis Service at 204-940-1781 (open 24 hours a day, seven days a week)
  • visit the WRHA Crisis Response Centre at 817 Bannatyne Avenue in Winnipeg
  • call the Klinik Community Health Centre Crisis Line at 204-786-8686 or the Manitoba Suicide Line at 1-877-435-7170 (both are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week)

Where to get help

The first step is to talk to someone. Seek the help of a health professional who can understand and provide counselling, support and/or appropriate medication. In Manitoba, you can talk to a Public Health Nurse (204-926-7000) or your family doctor. You can also get support from the Women’s Health Clinic.

Aside from counselling, joining a support group can be a big help especially when you’re feeling alone and isolated. PPD programs in Manitoba ensure that moms can share their experience in a non-judgmental setting. These are facilitated by medical professionals and volunteers who have experience in PPD. A list may be found here: Manitoba support groups.

Remember that there is no shame in getting help. The sooner you reach out, the faster you can get over your PPD.


There are several factors that place people at risk of PPD. Among them are a history or a previous episode of mental illness, such as depression, bipolar or OCD (The Facts, Postpartum Depression Association of Manitoba). For newcomer moms, situations such as a recent big life change (such as a move), lack of support in caring for your baby, or financial stress can contribute to PPD.

This is why taking prenatal classes is recommended. Knowing what to expect and learning how to prepare for the difficulties in taking care of a newborn can greatly reduce anxiety and help form realistic expectations. Having a Wellness Plan is also a good idea, as good nutrition, enough sleep and regular exercise are essential elements to maintaining good physical and mental health.

Watch this video for great advice on how new moms can prevent postpartum depression:


Sources:Winnipeg Health Region.caPostpartum Depression Association of Manitoba website; Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA); Baby; and Nutrition Article updated June 14, 2019.


Community Resources

More resources about PPD can be found at the Pacific Postpartum Support SocietyPostpartum Support International, and the Women’s Health Clinic. You can find information about pre and post natal government supports from the Healthy Child Manitoba page of

Need more health tips for expectant or new moms? Go to Manitoba Parent Zone. Also read Health tips for expectant and new moms and Supports for newcomer moms (or expectant moms).

Last modified: Thursday, 2 December 2021, 11:53 AM