Man covering face, exhaustedexams-home-studying  by Tookapic CC0

Have you reached a point where you just want to give up learning English? If attending your language class has become a drag or getting homework done is impossible, you know you’ve reached that point. We all know the feeling.

If you need a little motivation, here are a few things you can do to get back your passion for learning:

  1. Take a break

    There is no shame in pausing and taking a break. But this doesn’t mean that you should totally stop learning. Don’t let your progress go to waste! Maybe you need a break from a structured course but there are also informal ways of improving your communication skills. You won’t even realize that you are still learning English when you:

    • listen to English songs while relaxing
    • watch shows or movies in English
    • read bedtime stories to your kids
    • try having small talk with your neighbours
    • read signages, ads, or posters while riding the bus
    • use online tools for English language learning (see resources below)
  2. Revisit your motivation

    Maybe it’s time to remember your purpose for learning or improving your skills. Check your career/personal plan if you have it on paper. Is it to get a job or a promotion? To qualify for other professional opportunities? To get higher education? Or is it simply because you want to work and socialize better with people around you?

    Remembering your reason for studying can re-energize you if your interest is flagging. It will help you imagine that the effort that you put in today is necessary to get you closer to the achievement of your goals. Thinking about these can make learning lighter and more worthwhile.

  3. Be like a child

    Have you observed kids in a classroom? Their eyes light up when they see something interesting or when they learn something new. When they’re curious about something, they ask without fear. And when told to do new tasks, they just go for it and just brush off mistakes. When your learning progress is slow or when mistakes bog you down, be like a child. Just go for it. Be fearless and don’t mind your mistakes.

  4. Have fun

    Supplementing your English classes with other activities will help you learn faster. Do some word games, crossword puzzles, and quizzes. Aside from being entertaining, these can increase your vocabulary and improve your spelling skills. Your brain also gets an exercise. These activities help you become mentally active thereby reducing the risk of dementia (especially for seniors). They also enhance your problem-solving skills and help improve your memory. Go to these sites for great puzzles, quizzes and other word games:

  5. Find a partner

    Camaraderie and even a bit of competition can push you to continue studying. Ask a buddy or friend to learn with you. Ask a native speaker out so that you’ll be extra motivated to improve your English language skills. You’ll also learn how to use common phrases and get used to how words sound when you have someone to communicate with constantly.


Community Resources

Check out our Canadian idioms and read More online resources for English language learners. These are resources you can use when you have the time or when you’re in the mood for learning. They’re available 24/7.

Have you tried English Online’s Virtual Coffee Chats? These are informal gatherings on Skype to discuss things related to living in Manitoba. Conversation is light as you share your views, practice your speaking and listening skills, learn about Manitoba and gain friends too. It is moderated by an e-facilitator.

Last modified: Wednesday, 8 December 2021, 4:35 PM