A woman with her head hung low, back to the cameraImage  by Free-Photos CC0

Is winter bringing you down? You’re not alone. Studies show that about 15% of Canadians get the winter blues while 2-3 % experience Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Symptoms start in the fall, persisting through the winter months and lasting until March.

What are the winter blues? Is it the same as SAD?

The winter blues is a mild form of SAD. Those with the blues feel moody and tired, often without reason. They may also tend to sleep too much and have low energy. This is caused by the lack of exposure to sunlight which affects hormonal levels in the body. A gland in the brain produces melatonin during the night and in periods of reduced light (as in winter) and makes us feel drowsy. Meanwhile, decreased levels of serotonin, a chemical in the brain that regulates mood and behavior, contributes to moodiness.

Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD, on the other hand is a recurring type of depression. SAD tends to occur more in adults and affects more women than men. People with SAD feel the winter blues but to a greater degree. They are not able to work or function in their day-to-day lives. It is common for the disorder to affect people in winter, but there is also a form of SAD that occurs in summer and starts in spring. This why aside from lack of sunlight, doctors will also take into account a person’s genetic predisposition to depression when diagnosing for SAD. It has been found that 13-17% of people who develop SAD have an immediate family member with this disorder.

How to prevent and cope with the winter blues

  1. Recognize the signs – People with the winter blues will:
    • have mood problems such as sadness, boredom, and irritability.
    • be lacking in energy. They will tend to sleep too much.
    • have a craving for carbohydrates (bread, pasta, sweets) or generally have a change in appetite.
    • lose interest in social activities.
    • feel stressed and tense.

    If you experience any or all of these symptoms, don’t ignore them. There are simple solutions that will help you start feeling better.

  2. Consult a doctor – Your family doctor should be able to check if there’s something wrong with you physically. A blood test may be conducted to check your blood count or Vitamin D levels to rule out anemia, thyroid dysfunction, and other diseases that may cause your symptoms. Your doctor may prescribe treatments, medication, supplements, or a healthier diet depending on the findings.
  3. Get enough sunlight – Go outside during the day. Take a walk during lunch break or play with your children in the snow. Natural light will help boost serotonin production and your overall mood. You can also try light therapy. This requires sitting near a special kind of lamp for about a half an hour a day. If your doctor prescribes light therapy for you, you can try it for free at Winnipeg Public Library branches all year round.
  4. Stay active – Exercising for at least 30 minutes a day can boost serotonin and endorphin (chemicals in the brain that block pain and induce feelings of pleasure) levels in the body. Your mood will pick up after you walk, jog, dance, or do aerobic exercises. Read How to stay active in winter to get more ideas.
  5. Eat healthy – You will have the urge to eat starchy or sweet food. Make it a point to balance it out with proteins, fruits and vegetables, and whole grains. Structure your eating patterns by eating three meals a day (no snacking in between) around the same time every day. This will ensure that your body will have the proper amount of nutrients to keep you feeling good.
  6. Talk to someone – Talk to your partner or friend. Sharing your feelings can relieve some burden. A supportive person can also give you the encouragement to start making a change or start seeking treatment.

Is it more than just the blues?

How do you know that it’s SAD and not just the winter blues?

  1. After doing all six tips above you still feel down.
  2. The feeling is debilitating. You can’t perform your everyday tasks anymore.
  3. The feeling of hopelessness and helplessness persists.
  4. It is affecting your work and relationships.
  5. You are having suicidal thoughts.

Any or all of these symptoms means you should talk to an expert immediately. Your family doctor should be able to refer you to a psychiatrist or other specialists. They will be able to prescribe the proper treatment for you. This may involve light therapy, counselling, medication or a combination of these. Call your doctor or check CMHA Mental Health Resources for more information.

Sources: Don’t be SAD, Laurie McPherson, Winnipeg Health Region; Combating the winter blues (presentation slides), Blaine Roberts, English Online; More than just the winter blues? Rush.edu; Seasonal Affective Disorder, Canada.com; Seasonal Affective Disorder, Canadian Mental Health Association; and What are endorphins? Tom Scheve, How stuff works. Retrieved December 10, 2018.

Community Resources

Read Physical activity for Newcomers to learn about great activities in your community.

Use the Mental Health and Wellness Resource Finder to find the right help that you need.

The Hope for Wellness Helpline is available 24/7. Call 1-855-242-3310 for counselling available in English, French, Cree, Ojibway and Inuktitut. Online chat is also available in English and French at Hopeforwellness.ca.

Last modified: Thursday, 8 February 2024, 11:35 AM