Lady in front of laptop, smiling.
  by Diva Plavaguna on Pexels.  CC0

Thinking of improving your English? That’s great! All of us can benefit from improving our communication skills. In fact, did you know that language proficiency doesn’t only have a positive effect on our employment prospects but on our health as well (read Poor immigrant language skills lead to poor health: Study)? All the more reason to keep polishing your language skills, right?

If you’re looking for the best way to learn English, here are five reasons to consider why you should learn remotely or online:

  1. It’s flexible

    You’ll enjoy flexibility in two ways: You can learn on your own schedule and you can study anywhere as long as you have internet connection.

    Most online classes are designed to allow students to self-direct their learning path. Of course there are requirements like quizzes or assignments and there are deadlines but because you’re not in class on a fixed period, you have more freedom to choose when to study and how to divide your time for certain tasks. This is why online learning is ideal for those who work full time, or have changing shifts at work. You can always adjust your study schedule depending on your availability and needs.

    Another thing is that you can study anywhere as long as you have internet connection. You can study at home, at work, or in a public library. And if you have children, you can study while they are sleeping or enjoying a quiet activity. This is great for parents with young children especially those who don’t have childcare options available.

  2. It is cost-effective and safe

    One of the major appeals of online courses is that you save a lot of time and money because you don’t have to travel to your classes. In these pandemic times, being able to study from home is also the best set-up to avoid catching the virus.

    You can argue that it can be expensive because you would need to invest in a computer or laptop, as well pay for internet connection. But let’s be honest. A laptop and internet connection are now basic necessities. Chances are, you will have them even if you’re not enrolled in an online class. It’s a wise investment considering that digital technology is now our primary source of information and access to services because of the pandemic.

    If you need free Wi-Fi connection, you can always go to your nearest library. Winnipeg Public Libraries offer free wireless internet access at all locations. Visit this page for more information on technology use at the library.

  3. It’s easier to have work-life balance

    Because you have more control of your time and learning environment, it’s easier to schedule other pursuits besides schoolwork. For example, you can carve out a few hours to exercise in between studying or just have some weights near your study table for quick exercise breaks.

    Just be careful about distractions when you’re at home. It’s so easy to get sidetracked with things like Netflix, social media, or even household chores. A good amount of discipline and self-directedness are needed to succeed when learning online.

  4. You also learn digital skills and self-direction

    Having the skills to use digital tools and being able to work with minimal supervision are top requirements for ideal employees during the pandemic and more so, post-pandemic.

    Aside from boosting your ability to navigate common digital tools, learning online also equips you with proper etiquette. Aside from this, you learn how to maximize use of tools and online platforms, which is helpful for information gathering, collaboration, and networking. Online learners are also trained to have self-direction and know how to set goals, take charge of their own learning path, and practise discipline and perseverance.

  5. It can be more effective than in person learning

    Online learning uses a combination of tools to teach and engage learners. You can learn through a variety of resources, from text to multimedia materials. Collaborative resources have also greatly improved over time. Not only can learners have real-time, face to face sessions (VOIP like Zoom, Skype, Messenger, etc.) they can also sustain discussions asynchronously on message boards, forums, and even social media. This is how learning goes beyond the class time. Learners can also practice all four language skills- reading, listening, speaking, and writing – when they use a variety of tools. All of these can boost knowledge retention and make learning more effective.

Please note that we are not pitting classroom learning against online learning. We recognize that different people have different learning styles, hence, some will learn better in-person compared to online, and vice-versa. What we urge you to do is to give online learning a try. You might just be surprised by how effective this method can be.

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English Online offers a variety of courses to choose from and differen types of learning options: group studyself-study, and one-on-oneRegister with us today to take advantage of live workshops, forums, or one-on-one personalized learning with a language or settlement coach.

Last modified: Thursday, 25 January 2024, 1:14 PM