Where do I get help?

Man getting treated by a healthcare professionalImage by Gustavo Fring from Pexels, CC0

Manitoba has a lot of helpful people. You contact or go to offices and agencies that provide help free of charge. They are called newcomer-serving organizations. They can help you by providing good information; training for language, employment, or other skills; and other programs that can help you and your family.

Newcomer serving organizations

Learn about agencies that focus on your needs. You can get free information, training, and other supports to make your settlement successful in Manitoba.

Types of language training programs for newcomers to Canada

Learning Canada’s official languages is important for working and living in Manitoba. Learn about free English or French training that may be done online or in person.

Getting the right healthcare services

Learn about health care options available in Manitoba. You’ll also know about some additional resources to help keep you healthy and disease-free.

Tips for newcomer success

Get some tips and strategies to live your best life here!